Howdy Sir. My name’s Brenda. You have to admit that I am quite striking and beautiful as I present myself to you in my pink lingerie. I am 30, but I’ve got this toned stomach, small perky titties that as well as a cute little bulge protruding from my string. All in all, I look like a dashing and vulnerable princess, especially with my blond hair and small frame. But that’s only a front. Wait until I get hard, and my dick steps out of my panty. That triggers the lioness in me. I am fit and nimble too, so you can be assured that I am really feisty too. I am anything but tranquil and docile. In fact, I am a dominant versa. If you’re ready to be a bottom, you’ll have the time of your life.
I am the kind of trap shemale that you could easily invite for a wine and dine and be the envy of men around us. Pick your choice amongst restaurants in Montgomery, Alabama as I live in the east of the city myself. We could go straight to my place to hook up, but would it not be fun to have a nice date first ? Then you’ll get to see how I can go from a cute and flity blond to a dominant mistress when we get home. Ready for it ? How about your wholes, think they can handle me ?
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