That’s all in the past. Now, I’ve got the confidence to come on here gloating and bosting about my looks and my femcock. The same one that I used to be ashamed of. I even considered having it removed at some point. Further down the road, this sounds like madness. This same cock has been wonderful ever since I found the courage to look for hook ups. Turns out that there are so many transexual lovers out there ! Men just like you. And I’ve found out how you guys really want to be with strong and firm TS. I know it now. Especially since I’ve gotten my boobjob.
Moreover, I’ve definitely got the tool to peg you deep. My erect cock is above 7inches and I am not afraid to push as deep and as strongly as your tight hole will let me. Even if you top me you’ll be able to appreciate how I can twerk and ride your manhood. You will get to experience a slutty and fun redheaded transexual. Plus, I am north of being 30 years old so it’ll soon be legit to call me a Milf. In the meantime, I already have the killer body and the attitude to dominate you in a soft kind of way. I live in Sunrise, in South Florida. If you’re from Broward County or nearby, you’ve probably already been here if you shopped at the Sawgrass Mall. That could be a great place to meet up after we’ve chatted on here. Then, we could drive up to my place for our hook up. Deal ?
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