What’s up fellas ? My name’s Lola and I’ve taken the liberty of being at ease on here. Look, I know that I can’t spread my shemale penis like a woman would do with her pussy. It’s physically impossible. I am not stupid. But I can make it sexy and lady-like nonetheless. Especially when I am sporting those long pink nails, huge titties and blown-up lips. Plus, any tranny cock lover will admit that mine is stunning. It’s got a well-defined head, a veiny shaft and soft packed tanned balls thanks to my Latina heritage. Those cojones get saggy when I am not so nervous and excited. Remember that I was taking a close-up picture of my crotch lol.
This whole situation down there should be more than enough to excite and entice you to contact me for a hookup in Denver and the Mile High City area in Colorado. I love it when a man takes over control and handles me like his plaything. You can tell me what you want, and I’ll abide. Granted that you must be interested in blowing and servicing my dick. Don’t get me wrong, I might be docile, but I am not to be taken as a simple fuck doll either. You gotta entertain my she-dick. Do that and I’ll be yours for the night until our juices flow out. And even after as there are seconds to be had with me.
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