I have so much more cock that I know what to do with, can you give me a reason to make use of it? Or not, it’s up to you, I would much rather take it up the ass for you. I’d love the feeling of your gigantic manhood throbbing and sliding all up inside of me. I’m bite-sized so you can pick me up and fuck me in any position you’d like. The only thing weighing me down is my massive penis, and I need your help to release all the built-up fluids inside of me just burning to be released.
I’m interested in hooking up for a few times this month. I’m staying in central Billings, MT for a few weeks to assist with taking care of my grandparents for the time being. I work from home and in my free time, I get so awfully bored and horny. I can’t relieve myself in my grandparents’ house, I get too loud loll! So ideally, we’d do it at your place, where you can make me squeal and moan to your heart’s content. Turn me into your little whore, I’d love that so much. My name is Miley, I’m 20, and I’m ready to get whored out. If you’re in the area and dtf, let me know via text and we can work something out!!
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