I’m playing the shy and innocent girl, but it’s just an act. Obviously. I doubt I’d be here swinging my trans cock on the Web in order to hook up with men in the greater Washington area. In truth, I am really a slutty and luxurious trans girl. A tall and impressive shemale all natural besides a few boobies pills. That’s how I call my hormones lol. Anyway, my name’s Patricia and I’m 31 years old. I live in Potomac, Maryland, northwest of DC and Bethesda for that matter. As you might have guessed, I am quite tall. Over 5’10. Plus I got powerful and strong legs and core.
That, plus my close to 8 inches dick make me an ideal candidate for being a power top. Which I could definitly be if it was not for the fact that I like playing the shy and timid bottom looking for an active men to take care of my toned ass. That being said, I really am a versa who enjoys it all. I could either host our date or come by your place or even a hotel room. I always get somewhat more whorish in one of those. Makes me feel like one of those hookers or escorts hehe.
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