Do you prefer shemales with thick or long cock ? Length or girth ? And what if you could have both ? Then you need to pick me for you next hookup in or around the The Lou. See for yourself, my cock is simply huge. It’s over 8 inches long and thick as a can of soda. It’s simply massive. Even more so when you consider that it’s mounted on a sexy and slim body. Mine lol. I am Sylvia and I am 28 years old shemale of Italien descent. That might explain the sub sized dick between my legs lol. Same goes for my big and tight meaty balls down there.
Bet you want to have a taste now. But be ready for some intense cock-slapping. You’ll have to earn the privilege of sucking my junk. Same goes if you want me to fuck you. That said, you might want to reconsider once you get a real sense on how big it is. You would not be the first to choke (literally) and abandon the idea of me fucking you. I am sadly used to it. Next time I find a suitable passive, I’ll make a lover out a him. The rest of you will have to be content with blowing me. Want to go a spin ? Or rather, a slap.
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