I thought I would show you my little surprise from the side. Well I say little, but considering how slim and delicate I am, most people I meet think of me as a cis woman. They see my long blond hair, my tiny waits, my small breast and my killer ass and they just assume that I am a slim woman who could have been a model. So yah, it must be a surprise for some to lean and see that I am tucking a duck in my panties. To you guys however, I opted to display my surprise right from the get go.
By doing so, I want to make sure to appeal to the shemale lovers around Milford Connecticut, or if you prefer, in between New Heaven and New York City. I am hoping to meet new guys and develop friendships with benefits. I am done hitting on strangers in LGBTQ bars. I prefer to be picker online, to chat, exchange pictures before seeing each other on dates and having a massive sexual buildup. I call that experience. Why jump straight on your cock or let you hold on to mine at the first chance when we could play a little first ?
But you call me FannyS, I am 33, so I think I know what is best for me when it comes to dating. I won’t go into specifics on what kind of lovers I am looking for as I am into lots of things. Sexually, physically and in terms of interests. I am a complex person that deserves to be discovered, and to be challenge hihi.
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