I am sick and tired of guys who think that hooking up means having the quickest sex possible. Or that since I am shemale, that I am willing to simply give them a blow job in some Aberdeen, South Dakota parking lot, take the cumshot and call it a day. That’s not the case. Well, I do love blow jobs, but I need more. So much more. Just like I would not let you fuck me raw unless you gave touched me first and made me feel welcome. What I am trying to say here, is that I am passionate about preliminaries and tender loving. That includes but is not limited to kissing, touching, groping, caressing, sniffing, and so much more. Don’t you guys want to discover the intricates and every nook and cranny of my transexual body ?
I guess I’ll need to find a lover who’s an ardent preliminaries fan. Like me. I could spend hours kissing and playing 1st ad second base before going to the 3rd. Getting to the 4th can take a while with me lol. Even us 36yo t-ladies like this kind of stuff. I’ll be sure to put on a nice dress and to choose some sexy lingerie for you to discover as we slowly strip each other. Emphasis on slowly here. Of course, I’ll also apply quite a lot of my signature red on my lips to cover your face and body with it. If it’s an issue, we’ll make sure to clean you off after we’re done. We would not want your girlfriend or wife to find out about us. That’s where I mention that I am quite discreet and I’d rather that we meet at a hotel or someplace like that outside of Aberdeen and even of Brown County. I’ll be waiting to hear from you.
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