There is nothing better than being stuffed with a good warm cock and to feel it throbbing and shaking until it unloads it’s sweat and even warmer cream inside me. Stand back and watch me pulse that white gold out my smooth ass. Care to come lick it clean ? You don’t want to leave your sissy tranny hanging like that ? Finish the job and the take care of the fascinating mess you’ve created. Sadly, only a handful of guys I’ve been with are willing to do it. Will you prove me you’re worthy ? My name’s Wendy, and I live right next to Phoenix in Scottsdale Arizona. As you might have guessed, I’m a slutty sissy Asian shemale under 30.
I’ve got an idea for you to prove to me that you’re up to the task. Once we discuss in private chat, we can hop on the cam and watch each other masturbate. All you’ve got to do is come in your hands and then lick and swallow your own semen. Don’t tell me when you’ve never tried anyway lol. Only then will I know that you’re ready to fill me up. Chances are you’re not near Phoenix, which is a shame, but at least you’ll have had the pleasure of having virtual sex with me. Otherwise, you’re in for a treat my friend.
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