Hello captain! I am awaiting your mast inside my begging ass. Grab my ass like you would grab your boat’s helm. Hmm ! Steer me in every directions and do as you wish with me. Slap my ass gently and lick it if you want. If I may be so bold, could you also give my balls a good tongue treatment before moving over to my own lady cock. I’ve been craving your tongue for a long time. My name is Sally, 27 years old and I reside in San Diego.
If you’ve never been here, then please come to my humble harbor so that I may give you a private tour before heading to my private chambers. I’m looking for strong and confident man to hookup with. I’m not much into long term dating, but I would not say no to a short term kind of dating. It’s just that I like to sail with different men from time to time if you know what I mean. I am sure you do if you’re here 😉 Just send me a private message in a bottle in the chat down here. Can’t wait to read you captain.
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