I love to test the gagging reflexes of the guys I hook up with. You’ll see that I am a direct and straightforward tgirl. As soon as I’ll open the door to my place in the Nifong area n Columbia, Missouri, I’ll drag you in and get on getting. That means pushing you in the couch, dropping my panties down and stuffing my limp cock inside your mouth. Gotta be quick otherwise I’ll have a boner and ruin the whole plan of mine. See, I want to make you feel my tranny dick grow inside of your mouth.
You’ll get to feel it go from a decent bulge worthy size to a boner that pushes to the edge of 8 inches. Get ready, because I’ll make sure to push it inside as far as you can before you tap out. This’ll get sloppy real fast, real soon. It’s okay if you shed a few tears, it’s only human hehe. What can I say ? I am a hardcore shemale. You’ll get to take your revenge and pound me like a bitch afterwards. No lube or condoms. All that saliva of yours should suffice haha. But I am a switch, so everything goes with me. If that matters to you, I am 33 years of age. Call me Chanel, but don’t be fooled, I am anything but fancy or delicate. See you inside my inbox.
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