We, as cock blessed individuals, are hard-coded to be captivated by asses. And nothing is more fascinating than seeing an ass reveal itself like I am doing here. That’s why I opted to catch your attention by bending over and pulling down my tight gym shorts. Of course, I’ve got a nice surprise package tucked in there. I am a pre-op shemale which means that I got a penis and sperm producing balls between my legs. Yes, I got those even if my name’s Claudia ! Those are some extras that you can enjoy before, after or even while you’re fucking me raw in doggy style.
I’m pretty sure that you guessed already that I am a passive tranny from the way I put my ass as the forefront of my dating add. That’s right, I put those hot curves upfront to catch your attention and hopefully make you hard and horny. If only I could have the same audacity in real life as I do here online. Sadly, I am an introvert of 24 who fears attracting the attention of others while in public. That’s why I am using this dating site then. And hopefully to get you to come to my place or to join you somewhere near Bethlehem just east of Allentown. We’d keep it discreet and fun. Alright, now act on it and prove me right.
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