Hey you ! Like how I put on my glam for the year’s end and the start of the new one ? I have a feeling this one is going to be smashing ! I’m confident that I’ve reached a point where I’m really comfortable in my body. Just last year I did not have the formidable pair that I’ve got now. Pair of tits of course. What else ? My balls I already had lol. But I mean seriously, don’t they look great ? Oh what’s that ? You would need to see more of them before you’re able to comment. It could be arranged. And I could throw in my pair of balls as well. I promise that they complement my long cock greatly.
I figured that you would enjoy seing me in my classic black dress. At least, those of you who have taste. A shemale as hot as me does not have to be naked in order to be sensual and desirable don’t you think ? I hope so because I will only answer to those of you who can seduce me and turn me on on the chat. And if you’re close to me (I’m in North Charleston, South Carolina) you have even more chances. And I’m pretty confident that I’ll get lots of messages. Try to be original and set yourself apart ! I’m Carrie, 26 and while I’m here looking for sex, I require to spend some time with you before we do that. AKA, we need to go on a date before. I need some preliminaries, to have a nice dinner or something. If you anywhere near Charleston, South Carolina and up for my proposal, then dm me.
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